Preparing for something big…

The momentum of 2025 finally feels like it’s moving forward. January was a month of recovery and reflection after an intense fall season, during which I performed more than ever. For the first time, I was able to be intentional about where I chose to perform—a stark contrast to the days when I was eager for any opportunity to be on stage. It’s a remarkable shift to now have an abundance of work that allows me the privilege of being selective, and I’m embracing this new chapter with gratitude and excitement.

When choice is abundant, it asks, “What do you want?”

I’m having success as a performing artist in New York City, one of the most demanding cities in the world. I understand what it means to create my own opportunities instead of waiting for one to arrive. I’ve grown to respect what I’m capable of and established a level of professionalism and integrity that I can feel proud of. I’ve sung on professional stages that inspire and challenge my musicianship and artistic growth. My network of friendships and colleagues has expanded, and I am surrounded by individuals who inspire me to level up and create on a higher level than ever before. Iron sharpening iron, so to speak. I’ve also come to respect the power of saying no, respecting my limitations, and learning to build my life around the cyclical ebbs and flow of my daily energy and creative output. Now that I understand and appreciate the rhythm of a creative life, what kind of operatic career do I want?

The Crossroads of a Singing Career: Where to Next?

Do I want to be a full-time singing actress with an opera company? Am I willing to sacrifice stability for a life on the road? Should I move to a country where art and classical music are deeply valued and supported, a place where I could sing full-time, sharing my heart and voice with the world?

Or do I stay here in the U.S., performing part-time? Would that be enough for me? If I move away, won’t I miss my family—watching my niece and nephew grow up, being present for the small, everyday moments that make life so rich? Or is my time on stage the most vital thing for me in this season of my life?

Nothing lasts forever. Will I regret not taking this leap while I still have the energy, the drive, the passion, and the voice to pursue it? Isn’t this what I was meant to do—to sing, to move hearts, to inspire love and hope through music?

I don’t have all the answers yet. But here’s what I do know.

Embracing the Journey Ahead

This season holds exciting opportunities. I’ll be singing my first leading role with SAS Performing Arts Company in NYC. It might seem like a small step to some, but for someone who has spent years singing supporting roles, chorus, and ensemble work, stepping into the spotlight as the lead is both thrilling and terrifying.

I’m also auditioning for more opera companies and voice competitions this year. Auditioning for competitions has always made me hesitant, but I’m pushing past that fear. And in February, I have an exciting audition with Boston Lyric Opera (BLO)—my first with this company. It’s essentially a vocal job interview, and for the first time, I’m walking in with confidence rather than self-doubt. That, in itself, is a victory.

The Art of Taking Risks

Every audition and every performance is a stepping stone. This career is a constant balancing act—taking risks, learning from both triumphs and failures, honing vocal technique through disciplined practice, and trusting in the process.

And yes, sometimes, a little luck doesn’t hurt either.

I don’t know exactly what the future holds, but I do know that I’m stepping forward with intention, embracing the unknown, and trusting that the next chapter will unfold precisely as it should.

Thanks for reading.

See you in the next…

If you are not ready to go yet, check out this YouTube video for more.


LET IT ALL HANG OUT… No need to be ashamed!